Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions about Brainwise Academy.

FAQ Categories
How it works
How do I access my course?

Brainwise Academy offers on-demand, self-paced online learning courses for adults. You will need to have a computer and access to the internet to access the material.

What do I need to complete the course?

To complete the courses, you require access to a laptop or desktop computer. Courses are presented on the Brainwise Academy website so you will require the internet to be able to access content. Courses are generally designed to actively build knowledge and skills so a notebook may also come in handy.

How long can I access the course?

You gain lifetime access to your course material upon purchase.

Can I email you or call you with questions during the course?

Yes. You can email Dr Nicolene Shields with questions as you complete your course.

Our Courses
Why are Brainwise Academy courses different?

At Brainwise Academy, our courses merge knowledge from educational psychology, neuro-psychology, neuro-psychotherapy, counselling, neuroscience and special education to deliver childhood development courses with a difference. Think of it like a toolkit: information and advice that you can refer to whenever you need.

How long does a course take?

It can take between 6 to 10 weeks. However, every Brainwise Academy course is designed to be completed at your own pace. Every subject within your course includes short videos that break down key concepts into bite-size takeaways.

How much time do I need each week to complete the course?

You will need about 1-2 hours per week. However, each course includes short videos that cover key concepts quickly. Every course is self-paced, so you can come back to the material in your own time as well.

Is it hard to learn?

Brainwise Academy courses are designed for people with busy lives. We aim to make quick work of teaching the difficult brain-parts. This means you learn the essentials in plain English without diluting the quality of the information.

Who wrote this course?

Every course is designed and written Dr Nicolene Shields. Nicolene is an experienced and certified clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, behavioural therapist, neuroscientist and specialist educator who has been working with families for 8 years.

For Parents
My child struggles with tantrums. Will your course help?

Our courses are designed to give you practical strategies to fix real-life problems that lead to tantrum behaviours. As we understand behaviour from multiple different angles, we give you ingenious ideas for approaching meltdowns. The more you know, the more tools you have to solve the triggers to tantrums.

My child isn’t coping at school. Will your course help me understand why?

Our courses aim to help you gain a clearer understanding of your child’s needs by understanding how they operate. When you understand your child’s mechanics, you are confident to advocate for their needs in school. Or informed to make changes in other areas that will benefit your child’s development in a more supportive way.

My child struggles to follow daily routines. Can your courses help me help them?

Yes. You know the specific difficulties your child is having more than anyone. And we can help you support your child because routine planning is our bread and butter. It’s the foundation for creating changes. Through our courses, we give clear examples and ideas for daily routines to help your home life run more smoothly, as well as help your children follow them.

For Professionals
I feel out-of-depth caring for children with challenging behaviour. Will this course help me?

Our courses are designed to help teachers put problematic behaviour in the context of the developmental changes and neurological underpinnings that govern specific behaviours. You will also receive practical tips and strategies for the classroom; a busy learning environment.

Will this course help me learn techniques to improve my confidence when faced with scenarios of challenging behaviour?

Brainwise Academy is on a mission to empower parents and teachers with knowledge about the underpinnings of challenging behaviour. When you understand the processes that start and maintain these behaviours, you can be in a better position to present more functional alternatives to meet childrens’ needs.

Will this course count towards my CPD (Continuing Professional Development)?

Here at Brainwise we aim to build sound capacity among early years educators by offering knowledge from multiple disciplines.  Courses are designed to develop educators' ability to provide services within their early learning sectors. All programs are delivered as a whole-center approach so that all members gain professional development experience.

Payments & Refunds
Can I claim a course through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

Funding for training for Parents/Carers matters relating to a person’s disability and how to care for them is available to parents of children with disabilities under the item code 15_038_0117_1_3. Parents who are self-managed may be able to claim the cost of courses relating to topics specific to the care of their children with disabilities through the relevant NDIS channels. However, funding for each family may be different. Please check with your relevant NDIS manager to confirm. We also offer a range of payment options that may allow you to spread the payments over several weeks. We certainly understand how important responsible financial planning is for your family! Our range of payment options allow for a more comfortable way to pay.

Do I need to pay the total course fee upfront?

Payments are required in full at time of purchase.  We offer a range of convenient payment options, including PayPal and Klarna.  Families with children as NDIS funding recipients may also be able to claim rebates relevant to the item code #15_038_0117_1_3

If I find the coursework too hard to learn, can I get a refund?

You must notify Brainwise Academy of an intention to cancel your involvement in any Course as soon as practicable through e-mail to and abide by the following cancellation policy: The Courses are non-refundable. This means that if you wish to terminate the Course, early, all unpaid amounts of the Purchase Price are non-refundable.

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Start seeding lifelong change now.

If you want to learn a better way to nurture your child’s growth, it’s a no-brainer.
Join one of our proven and practical courses and become real-world ready to change your child’s challenging behaviour.
A close up photo of Dr Nicolene's hands holding some teaching aids